Health, Technology, Agri-Business, Exploration, Renewable Energy, Investment



GALILE offers an expertise in trade, public relations, brokerage, business management consultancy, Commerce and foreign company representation.
Our purpose is to broaden the notion of professional service to encompass in depth analysis and consultancy in strategy formulation and development of business. In addition, we assist governments and institutions improve their overall performance and profitability, source and develop projects, finance, as well as reach optimal efficiency of operations.
We strive to become your all-time advising partner accompanying you through your business cycle streamlining your everyday operations, performance and needs assessment for optimal efficiency. We strive to bring your modern, state of the art services when it comes to project
implementation through our well experienced and highly capable international partners in specific fields of need, like; Health facilities, Renewable Energy, Mining and Technology.

Call us
For any inquires or questions.
Galile a trusted consultancy company and a dependable partner to government(s) and businesses in providing and facilitating high quality projects and services in Health, Energy, Agriculture, Mining and development related business with utmost integrity.

International Trade, Infrastructure & Investment
Profitable Synergies to win better together…
North Western Agribusiness site; for Cassava and Soya beans.
About 50 km from the first Galile & partners mining exploration site of the area. And 250ha Solar Power site in Mapanza, Choma.
Our services allow business entities to establish and maintain flexible and effective synergies between customers, markets and represents a definite asset of organizations, regardless of its sector/activity and a success factor you cannot simply afford to miss out on.

A patient man is the most dangerous man!
Case in point, The tower of Babel project.
It is not possible until you take the first step & the next…